October 17-23, 2016.
Where oh where is the time going?! We are going to be racing in less than 5 weeks time!! Unfortunately, it won't be on snow for this week… and let's hope that this isn't it for the month! Tuesday - ski club: if you have rock skis bring them and be ready to ski. Also bring runners and be ready to run. If you don't have rock skis (poor quality scratched up skis)- bring your skate boots, poles and running shoes- I'm not sure what we're going to be able to do. This practice will either be a ski practice or a workout on the deck practice. Thursday - Muskoseepi: it's supposed to be warm and sunny with no snow. :( And so meet out front of the pavilion please. Saturday - Meet for a roller ski practice- The weather says it should be dry and warm… also bring runners (everyone), water bottle and holder, snack and a bike if you haven't been on roller skis yet (but also bring your ski boots in case there is enough pairs to go around for everyone) and the kitche...