
Showing posts from January 15, 2017

January 16-22, 2017

Great week of training crew. Today's race was great to watch and see how you're all doing with training in general. I think some more tempo work needs to be done- so we will continue to work on that this week. Sadly- the weather is not cooperating with us and we may not be able to practice out at the trails if the snow turns too much (apparently we need to bring an umbrella for Thursday)… PLEASE READ ALL THE NOTES BELOW! 1. PLEASE NOTE: An email was sent out this weekend for athletes/parents- please read it and have it done for the deadline noted in the email. 2. RED DEER: If you're attending Red Deer races, Jake is trying to hook the team up with a discount price at the Red Deer Lodge- please email  (please CC me to the email as well) to confirm if you're going and how many are in your party ASAP so that this can be done for us. Red Deer race notice is up and online:  AB Cup 5/6  and then register yourself here: Registration . Please note- R...