
Showing posts from February 21, 2021

February 22-28th, 2021.

Senior team, please put this on your radars/mark it in your schedules: Ivan Babikov from Nordiq Alberta will be coming up to Grande Prairie March 4-5 during teacher's convention, for a 2 day camp with our team! If parents can organize rides, lunches and changes of clothing for their athletes, athletes will be outside or in the lodge for the duration of the days.  Juniors, I don't want you to miss out, however full days will be too much for you guys. Details to come, but we will definitely get you time with Ivan as well! It's a great opportunity for us and I'm grateful that we can host Ivan. Coaches Nathan and Claire will be present for the duration of the camp as well! _________________________ *PLEASE CONTINUE TO FILL IN THE COVID FORM* _________________________ Thank you to all athletes and parents who helped out with the duathlon! What a fun day! Great job everyone who participated! The lodge will be open around 5pm by Coach Doris, for anyone who can get in before pr...