
Showing posts from January 9, 2011

Week of January 10-16

A great job over the past week with training race team!! I am impressed with your attitudes and the little-to-no complaining that we had... I'm kind of in shock over this!:) Congratulations to Cori and Davis for their valiant Biathlon efforts in Canmore- Cori we'd like to see the bling!!!:) We are down to the last week before Edmonton and it's COLD out there. We will prepare this week as if we will be traveling to Edmonton to race but I have my doubts on this one. It's supposed to be a high of minus 26 on Saturday in Edmonton- something that we will discuss on Thursday. Tuesday, 15 minutes of circuit training and then we will be classic skiing and just going for a ski. We will be off skis by 6:45. Thursday- if all is a go, we will arrive at the lodge and prepare our skate skis immediately upon arrival. There will be over 40 Chicks on Sticks plus Biathlon in the lodge from 6:30-7:10 which is when we will be out classic skiing. We will then return and complete our s...