January 1-8, 2017
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! ! The time is flying by again this year and we still don't have enough snow for what I need to work on with you guys. DO YOUR SNOW DANCES!!! IMPORTANT : Please email Claire if you ARE or AREN'T planning on attending the races in Prince George for the BC Cup Races: February 4 & 5, 2017. I need to know ASAP what my numbers are for attending this race as I need to make changes to my work schedule this week. Click on the link now: clairerichter@me.com and type yes or no. Thank you. Tuesday : Skate- the lights are supposed to be on this week- we shall see if this actually happens. Bring headlamps and water bottles. Thursday : Skate. Saturday : Classic. Distance- dress appropriately for the weather- it's going to be cold but we can still get a good long distance ski in. ______________________________________________ Junior Ski Team PLEASE READ THE RED NOTE ABOVE- THIS APPLIES TO THE JUNIOR TEAM AS WELL! Thursday : Skat...