December 9-15, 2024.
I was reviewing the very melancholy blog posts from last year and am SO grateful that despite the wonky temperatures, we're skiing and have lots of snow!! A couple of reminders: Those athletes who owe me 45 burpees for not cleaning up the waxing gear- can give them to me at the beginning of practice. I only partially forgot.... Ski Club memberships are due. There is no discount now but this membership is mandatory. Please register here . Canmore Alberta Cup 1 & 2 race registration early bird prices close tonight and late registration closes on December 10th . Please register here . U16 athletes MUST purchase a Nordiq Canada Race License if you plan to race in any Alberta Cup races. This can be done here . An email was sent out last weekend about the Tawatinaw Ski Camp that was requested in our parent meeting. Please fill in the expression of interest document and email it to Claire. Christmas TEAM PARTY! Will be at the lodge on Thursd...