November 15-21, 2021.

Do you have a vest?? Please bring it to practice this week so that I can get them washed and put away for the season. I'm also missing 2 pairs of roller skis.

What a beautiful day Saturday was. Thank you to those who could join us!!! It was SO beautiful.


You've all made it to rest week! Well done, this just means we're still exercising but with less vigour. As there's snow- we need to be flexible now please, so check the blog a few times this week. 

Tuesday: 5-6:30 for everyone- meet at the St. Pat's parking lot over in Patterson. We will be skiing, but on rock skis only. I have 8 pairs in my car with NNN/Prolink bindings freshly put on by Blaine and myself. I will pick up the remaining skis tomorrow- 5 pairs (SNS bindings). We only have a total of 13 pairs of rock skis that belong to the team and 23 athletes. Also- we can do either technique- so if you have rock skis in only 1 technique, then just bring those skis. 

Thursday: We’re skiing on the trails. One of the ski coaches will have the lodge open but we all MUST wear masks. The lodge will be for our sole use, for now, so we can leave bags etc in the lodge. Still no food or drink though- so bring a thermos of hot chocolate if you want. :) We will need cleaning volunteers like we had last year and  If you have rock skis or kept the skis from practice on Tuesday, then that’s the technique that you’re doing. Bring a headlamp and again, dress appropriately for the temperature! Training: 5:45-7:15 (6:45 for juniors) from here on in. 

Saturday: Skiing- 10-12. Out at the lodge. Bring both boots and we will do a ski swap with those who have been classicing and those who have been skating… the snow that we’re supposedly getting this weekend should have us on good skis for next week. 🤞

*Remember: headlamps, water bottles and dress appropriately for the winter weather. 
