December 27-January 2, 2022

And just like that, Christmas is over and we head right into 2022! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your families, snug and warm in your homes. I was really looking forward to getting out this week to play- but nature has it's own plans. And so it looks like we're going to be training indoors and not skiing this week.

With races coming up VERY quickly- we need to be getting into speed shape and get those fast twitch muscles of yours going. Both of which we can't do in the cold weather. If you're up for going for a slow, zone 1 ski in the cold, go for it, but no hard breathing and no exertion please.


Canmore races are quickly approaching and we need to get registered. As things stand for now, the races are going ahead and registration closes on Jan 2! So please, if you're planning on attending the races in Canmore for Dec 7 & 8th, they will be busy as they're also the selection races for our 2022 Olympic Race Team (along with other exciting events)- so it's going to be extra exciting!! 

To register for this event, click HERE. Please remember when registering- our team and club are ALWAYS Wapiti Nordic. Never anything else, unless I have told you to put something else. Also- please pay attention to what you're registering your athlete in. There are more options than usual as they want to make sure they have those athletes trying out for the Olympics or the U23 World Juniors are separated from the others. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION AND DON'T JUST GO WITH THE AUTOFILL ANSWERS. My auto-fill put Mika in U11... any errors on our end, cause a lot of time on their end to fix, so please double check everything before completing your registration. As this is such a high profile weekend of racing, it's important that we do our little bit to help.

*There is also a chance that this event may be canceled. This decision won't be made lightly, but safety for all athletes is paramount. If this event is canceled, there will be a refund granted. 




Tuesday- Meet at the Eastlink Centre- pay your drop-in fees and meet on the track for 5:00pm. Sorry about the time change- but I was told there are less users around this time. We will also run the pool stairs. As I'm not allowed to 'train' you guys while we're there because I don't have insurance through the Eastlink Centre, please bring this workout (along with runners and water bottle) with you and follow your plan. I will be stationed around the facility to watch and help you out if there's any issues and to keep an eye on everyone.

Juniors: You will have 2 coaches running with you and following your training plan with you. 

  1. start with a very easy run on the track- lane 2, and run 6 laps. NO walking, but run nice and slowly.
  2. have a water break for 2 min and then run in lane 3, for 4 faster laps but NO walking. Coaches will be jogging and walking in lane 1 to keep an eye on your guys and make sure you're pushing hard.
  3. After your laps, have another water break and stretch for about 5-8minutes, then walk over to the stairs in the pool area as a group. BEFORE going into the pool area to do the stairs, I'd like you to, as a group, do 20 push-ups and 10 jumping jacks. Then- three full sets of stairs. Try to run all of the stairs on the UP and be careful going down the stairs.
  4. Walk back to the track as 2 groups (1 group will be done sooner than the other group) and when back on the track, start jogging in lane 2 until the second group arrives. When the second group arrives, jog out two more laps. *please watch out for the seniors*
  5. If someone can 'rent' out a ball, I'm not sure how it's done anymore... the juniors will then finish off their practice in the field house playing spud. We're NOT allowed to bring in any of our own equipment. Juniors will be done at 6:00pm
Seniors: I will be around to monitor your workout- both in the pool sitting area and on the track. My goal is to NOT have you working out in the pool area while the Juniors are there. Please keep this in mind.
  1. Start with a zone1 run around the track in lane 2/3. You will jog, no walking, for 10 min. Then, have a drink of water and walk to the pool sitting area. 
  2. Here you will walk down the stairs and zone 1 jog UP the stairs for 1 full rotation. 
  3. Then you will pick it up. I'd like to see zone 3 consistent running on the stairs both up and down until the Juniors arrive.
  4. When the Juniors arrive, walk back to the track and resume your training there.
  5. On track: I'd like to see 1min @ zone 4 sprints x 6-9. Depending on how many users are on the track, I may ask that you start in different areas and will time you guys and just blow the whistle once when the minute is up, or you may have to manage this on your own. Also, depending on how many show for practice, stick to the lane that you started in too. This also matters. You will have 5min zone 1 jogging in-between with a short water break as needed. Focus on getting your heart rate down between each of the sets. Mark your minute spot on the outer track with a piece of tape that you will be given and start each set in the same starting position that you started in.
  6. Once you're in cool-down, jog in lane 2 for a lap or two and then walk in lane 1 until the end of practice. Seniors will be done at 6:30pm
Thursday: Meet at the Eastlink again 5:00-6:00/6:30. You will need to prebook a spot in the pool for this by either calling 780-830-5000 OR by doing it through the perfect mind app. Bring your swimsuit- we're going to try water running. Yup- you heard me right, we're going jogging in the water. Everyone will try it, but I'm pretty sure there aren't enough water belts for the entire team- so some will run with belts on and others will run with lifejackets on. 

Juniors- you also will try water running and swimming, and then you'll have to go and play afterwards. I realize this may upset you... 😉 
Seniors- depending on how many users there are etc, we may be running in the lazy river, against the current- either way, come prepared to break a sweat in the pool! 😅

Saturday: Happy NEW Year!!! It's our annual New Year race. Classic- distance. 2:00pm start as the weather is saying that it'll be nice and warm then (maybe)... I realize that not everyone will be around for this event, but I hope to see you there. Come 1.5-2 hours earlier to prep your skis for the race and do a proper warm up. Practicing at our events to race and be race ready, helps you and your nerves at larger racing events. 😁 Also, don't forget your chocolate milk and then a proper cool-down ski.

*Learn/review waxing skis at 11:00am with Claire in the lodge. Please email to let me know that you're interested and able.

2.5km loops of: Sun Puppy (long loop) + Claw Ridge + Poplar Loop
1km: Sun Puppy (long loop) + Claw Ridge into the stadium.

NameDistanceStart Time
Armstrong, Aiden7.514:00.
Atamanchuk, Will7.514:00.30
Briere, Corwin7.514:01
Nelson, Jameson7.514:01.30
Ball, Lara7.514:02
Fehr, Signey7.514:02.30
Lynch, Miriam7.514:03
Martin, Sara7.514:03.30
Redmond, Amy7.514:04
Redmond, Johanna7.514:04.30
Armstrong, Will514:05
Martin, Troy514:05.30
Briere, Kaitlynn514:06
Gaultier, Lauren514:06.30
Redmond, Emma514:07
Richter, Mika514:07.30
Carrier, Darion2.514:30
Gaultier, Wes2.514:30.30
Martin, Ethan2.514:31
McNolty, Lena2.514:31.30
Nelson, Zach2.514:32
Udey, Colson2.514:32.30
McNolty, Heidi114:33
Udey, Winnie114:33.30
