January 3-9, 2022

Well this is going to be a lame blog for most of you. 


Yup, Happy New Year to us all- welcome to another week of the deep freeze. Stay warm and if you can go the Eastlink/Crosslink, please do. No QR codes and prices have dropped to $2 track all the time (at the Eastlink anyway).


For those racing in Canmore:

Tuesday: 5:15-6:45pm wax your skis at the lodge. I'll aim to be there for 5.


Friday: meet at the wax room for a training ski at 2:00pm. I will send out a team snap when I get there of which wax room to meet in (fun fact: IF we get a team room). Details will be sent out via TeamSnap.Team meeting will be via Zoom at 8:00pm, unless things change and a team snap will be sent out about this. The goal of training day is to know your race course. Coaches Shannon and Claire will be there to help athletes out with technique, course identification, challenging spots etc. Parents, if you're skiing please ensure that you purchase your own day passes. 

Saturday: Race times will be identified the evening before. Please ensure that you're at the wax room with 1.5hours to spare. You will test your skis for race wax approval (or disapproval) and then do your warm-up, pick your skis up at the wax room and then race. You are in charge of your gear, your grip wax working for you and your race. Coaches will try to be out on course, but like last time, one was waxing in the room. Parents, please pick a hill and yell at your athlete to hurry up it! 😉
If I can ask a parent to please book us in at BP's again for our team supper, that worked well last time. If restrictions aren't in place of course.  

Sunday: I'm guessing that showing up at the wax room an hour before your race was ample time for you last time. I don't want a lot of hanging around. 

There will be NO awards handed out, except for the U10 & U8 athletes, which will be participation prizes at the end of their races, at the finish line. Awards will be handed out at practice, once back in GP. Once your racers are done racing and have checked in with Coach Claire or Coach Shannon, cleaned up their gear and packed away their skis and poles, you can head on home. 
