November 7-14, 2022.

 And just like that- Dryland training is over!! 🥳

Time change for practice: Tues. & Thurs. 5:45-7:15


  • tickets- if you're having trouble selling your tickets, please email Claire and we can post what you have left on social media.
  • Hoodies- will be $37/hoodie. We are close to ordering team hoodies- if you would like your athlete to receive a hoodie and want a specific name on it (not what your athlete has told me) please email me directly with your requests. 😀 If you are wanting family hoodies, please email Claire sizes etc and they will get put into the order. Seniors: Burgundy; Juniors: Teal or Camo. Please e-transfer to Claire: $37/hoodie.
*Will have 'Wapiti Nordic Race Team' around it
  • First race is 4 weeks out. We will need someone to organize the team meals please usually done through signup genius. If someone can organize this I'd greatly appreciate it
  • As we're on snow now, it's your responsibility to be dressed appropriately for the weather (see the team manual that was emailed out at the beginning of the season.
  • Practice starts on snow at 5:45, so show up earlier please so that we can actually start practice when we're supposed to and not wait around for people. Let's remember to respect each other's time. AND BRING YOUR HEADLAMP!
Practice is out at the lodge now and a reminder to everyone that the road is open and functional:

Tuesday- ski- either technique, let's just get out and ski. HEADLAMPS!

Thursday- Bring your runners and dress warmly. We will not be skiing this evening but completing our fitness testing from the fall. HEADLAMPS!

Saturday- Coaches are all away at training camps. BUT Coach John (Pinky) is available and will be out skiing from 11-12 if you would like to join him. I suggest getting out and skiing for as long as you can without stopping. Enjoy the snow and do whatever technique you would like to do. You will NOT have access to the rock skis unfortunately, so if you do go out on your own gear. Please ski carefully and don't ski over anything sticking out of the snow! Have a great time!
