October 7-13, 2024.

 It's ski sizing week!!! 

We will be out at the lodge to size up equipment that people are unsure if their athlete(s) have grown out of. ALL skis that are being measured MUST be cleaned off immaculately for the best testing. The team ski swap will be held on Saturday, October 12th at the lodge from 10-12, those not needing equipment will be out mountain biking or running with the coaches. 

Tuesday: Meet at the lodge. Please have athletes knowing their weights (in lbs) and heights. Also, please remind athletes that this a no judgement zone, we just need to know weights in pounds (the machine is calibrated to pounds) to find the best equipment possible for them. Athletes will be working out as well, so runners and water bottles please. 

Thursday: Meet at the biathlon parking lot for roller skiing. Wear bright colours and bring water bottles and be prepared for classic skiing! U12's you will be on the trails working out, please bring short poles. 

Saturday: Meet at the lodge for the ski swap. If you don't need 'new to you' equipment, bring skate roller skis, if you do need equipment, still bring roller skis (U12's bring runners), we will try to be quick and efficient. Please price your equipment as you see fit, I don't know what you paid in the past for it. Older uniforms will be all priced the same, unless they're damaged, then we will have to have a discussion with me. Thanks everyone!
