December 2- December 8th, 2024.
GREAT SKIING this week team!! It's SO nice to have so much snow!! Please make sure you read the section below for details. Not everyone has paid their meemberships or hoodies yet.
- Please e-transfer $30 to: when you get a chance please for the hoodies (there are 9 athletes who still need to pay).
- Ski Club memberships are due by the end of this month (all athletes need one and you DO NOT need to purchase a Nordiq Alberta membership again, unless you're a coach). There is no discount now but this membership is mandatory. Please register here.
- Canmore Alberta Cup 1 & 2 race registration closes on December 10th. Please register here. U16 athletes MUST purchase a Nordiq Canada Race License if you plan to race in any Alberta Cup races. This can be done here.
- An email was sent out this weekend about the Tawatinaw Ski Camp that was requested in our parent meeting. Please fill in the expression of interest document and email it to Claire.
- Waxing Clinic- their will be a waxing clinic for athletes to come and remember/relearn how to wax skis. As training time is precious, Coach Claire will be having this clinic before practice on Saturday December 7th at 9:00 am in the morning. I know that it's early, but this way, if you need to finish your skis, you can complete them after practice. 😁
- Frostbite- it's a serious thing and there seems to be more frequency of this, this past week. Please make sure that you check those around you, and ask for your face to be checked also. There is frosttape- this can be purchased at Trekkers Outdoor Store here in GP and I recommend it being put on those faces who seem to be quite susceptible to the frost. If your face does get frost bitten, please be careful as the skin thaws and not to put it directly on heat. Warm hands on the cheek is sufficient and then once thawed and warmed, you can put lotion on this area to keep the skin from dying. Let's keep everyone safe out there!
Tuesday: The weather is going to be a bit wonky so please make sure you dress appropraitely for the drop in temperatures that we will experience during practice in the evening. Skate skiing.
Thursday: Classic Skiing.
Saturday: Waxing clinic at 9:00am sharp. We will be waxing your classic skis so that you can go for a ski on Sunday and Tuesday with your newly waxed classic skis! 😃 Skate Skiing for practice though.
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