February 10-16, 2025.
1. Red Deer registration is open, please click HERE and register for all 3 events. We will figure out relay teams (Friday Night Lights) on Friday afternoon. Costumes will be here this week and distributed- white shirts/hoodies are on sale at Michaels's (thank you coach Krista) if you need. Also, I encourage you to stay for Sunday afternoon/evening as Nordiq Alberta is hosting their year end party and awards, and as we usually aren't able to attend, this is a great way to represent! To register for the banquet and celebration and to get details please click HERE. Reminder that Monday is Family Day long weekend, so we will have all day Monday to travel back to GP too!
2. Tawatinaw training camp is now combined with the provincial camp which means we have grants that are being applied to the cost and the cost is now (all inclusive) $250/athlete. Which is way better than what I was getting and so please mark off your calendars for March 7-9. We will need drivers please as coaches are unable to drive athletes (coaches will travel in 1 car). This price includes food, accommodations, coaching, trail passes, and I'm hoping the loppet fees (I'm wainting on confirmation for this). It will be a great opportunity to enjoy skiing with others across the province in a beautiful place. Details to come still.
From Tumbler Ridge: Lower Babcock Creek – Driving Time – 15 min. Driving Distance – 21 km Trail length - 7 km return
Drive south on Monkman Way or Mackenzie Way to Hwy 29. Turn left (east) on Hwy 52 E. At 19.5 km you will pass the turnoff to the Core Lodge Road which leads to Boulder Gardens, Shipyard-Titanic and other hiking trails. Continue on Hwy 52 for 1 km, and park just before the bridge on the right side of the highway, or in the pullout if it is plowed. Walk down to the right onto the creek. This is where the Game of Thrones “Throne of Ice” was found in March 2019, part of an HBO contest where 6 Iron Thrones were hidden around the world leading up to the 8th and final season of the hit TV series Game of Thrones.
Head upstream (right) and follow the creek. It meanders through open sections, and some sections that have higher banks. After 3 km you will see a long section of beautiful frozen seeps on the right, where the Throne of Ice was originally placed.
WaxSunscreenextra Buff & mittsHand and feet warmersPuffy jacketChange of clothes- usually tops and a warm pace layerFrost tape (Coach Claire will have extra if we need)Lunch there's no microwaveYummy snacksWater bottleHot chocolate in a thermos (not mandatory)Headlamp (for emergency preparedness)Emergency blanket (if you have one)Sun glassesToilet paper (partial roll)Dry socksMatchesPocket knifeChair or situpon (only if you have something)First aid kit (coaches will pack these)
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