February 24- March 2, 2025.
A HUGE thank you to the race team for skiing with the jackrabbits on Saturday. You guys made some serious impact on those little skiers and they now think that they're superstars because they KNOW the big kids on THE RACE TEAM! I kid you not! I received a few separate photos and texts from jackrabbit parents thanking me for their kid's new best friend! I super appreciate your willingness to just show off how awesome you each are. Thank you!! 💗
1. THIS FRIDAY: Athletes have no school on Friday February 28th and we have a fundraiser!! Thank you to the following athletes who have signed up. Please meet 20 minutes before your 'shift' at the lodge.
- 10-11:30: Dragon, Trax & Sniper
- 12-1:30: Brynn (Sunny), King Bob, Smiley
- 2-3:30: Tiger Lilly & Tempo
2. SUNDAY MARCH 2: We are taking the scouts out to teach them how to ski in thanks for letting us use their camp for the past three years for our ski team wind-up party. We will meet at the lodge for 12:30 and will be with them until 3:00pm. Please dress warmer than you usually do as there will be a lot of standing around and not moving as quickly as you usually do. Thank you to those who signed up- please come if you happen to have time, even if you didn't sign up:
Smiley, Ladybug, King Bob, Tiger Lilly, Sunny Brynn, Dragon, Rainbow, Sparkles and whomever else can come out.
3. TAWATINAW training camp: Don't forget to register here!
4. NATIONALS: With the last Alberta cup races being cancelled, I'm wondering if there may be more athletes interested in attending nationals? I am still looking for interest of intent to attend from athletes for this event please via email or text. For nationals, one does NOT need to be in attendance for ALL of the races and registration closes MARCH 6th. Ages for athlets includes U16 and U18 and yes, U14 athletes can race up if they are interested in a fast and furious race, as Red Deer was cancelled and we've had a lot of illnesses this season, however the distances are a bit far on some days, so please pay attention to these! The races are as follows U16 & U18:
March 17: Skate Interval Starts; U16 5km; U18 10km.
March 18: Classic Sprints; 1km: U16 & U18 together
March 20: Mass Start Classic: U16 10km; U18 15km.
March 21: *Division Relay; Mixed genders + mixed techniques: U16/U18: 4x3km + BANQUET!
*Division relay means that Ivan will be making the teams up with the focus being on medals for Alberta. I'm not entirely sure of the process and am unsure if we will be able to put in requests for this event. However- what a LOT of fun this event will be!! 🥳
Tuesday-Saturday: Skate all week I believe... although I'd sure like us to classic on Thursday... but if there's no track, then there's no point. Come prepared for both.
Sunday: Classic - it's easier to teach how to ski when doing classic.
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